Introducing Inklusive Nature CIC

I’m excited to introduce you to Inklusive Nature CIC! Those of you who have been following my work for a while will know that what began as a blog about my PhD research grew into a thriving SciArt business that I have been running for the last 2 years alongside my part time PhD. Now, as I near the end of my PhD journey, it felt like the right time to take the next step and establish this new Community Interest Company (CIC) to expand my work to new audiences.

For those of you who may be new to my work, I primarily work with researchers, NGOs and other non-profit organisations who are collaborating with community groups to address societal challenges. Eye-catching sketchnotes and colourful visual summaries effectively draw attention to research papers, projects and events, engaging diverse audiences. Sketchnoting can also be an inclusive tool in co-creating research priorities within underrepresented groups, distilling a shared vision that can lead to real world impacts. I also take on other eco-illustration commissions and have become known for my artworks depicting the extensive rooting structures under species-rich wildflower meadows.

I am now joined by two brilliant Directors. Trixie Harrison, Director of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI), is a neurodiversity researcher at the Open University and an independent specialist neurodiversity consultant. And our Technical Director, John McGrath, is an aspiring computer games developer and technical wizard with a keen creative eye. You can find out more about them over on the About page.

We are a neurospicy team and our values include Earth care, authenticity, inclusion, allyship and creativity. We have a mission to make science more inclusive and engaging, and to show the next generation of scientists from minoritised groups that STEM really is for everyone!

I would like to thank all the brilliant people I have arted with over the last couple of years and to welcome new contacts who are interested in working with Inklusive Nature in the future. I invite you to explore this site and social media channels to get a flavour of our inky offerings. Do get in touch with you project ideas. I look forward to working with you!

Vicky Bowskill, Creative Director
John McGrath, Technical Director
Trixie Harrison, Director of EDI

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